Value Games 2013
Chingford Foundation School in conjunction with the Waltham Forest Northern School Sports Network hosted the annually successful ‘Value Games’ in late June at Peter May Sports Centre. The games played host to over 400 primary pupils, competing in 18 sports ranging from Archery to Tag Rugby to Sitting Volleyball. The games was organised by Chingford’s Shona Gordon and over 100 sports leaders and young ambassadors, of which around 60 were Chingford Pupils from a range of year groups up to year 13. Mr. Morrall, head of the Chingford and Rush croft Academy Trust, opened the Games along with Year 10’s Sarah Robinson singing.
The event was a huge success and will occur again next year as I has done every year now for over 5 years!
The event was a huge success and will occur again next year as I has done every year now for over 5 years!