Christmas 2017 at CFS |
Macmillan coffee morning 2016 |
Highlights from the Yr.11 Prom |
Year 11 Leavers Video 2016 |
Once again we said goodbye to our year 11 cohort in July 2016. MANY are back after gaining success in their GCSE results and are now embarking on their new academic journeys! Good luck 2016 Year Elevens!
Year 9 Anti-Smoking Campaign |
Chingfords' Got Talent 2016 |
The year 9's have created campaign's about the dangers of Smoking buy producing an Anti-Smoking Campaign. Here are just some of the videos which some of the year 9 students have produced.
Vote for your favourite at |
Who will prove triumphant in this year's annual talent show?
Singing, dancing, and... well, you'll just have to watch. |
MacMillan Coffee Morning 2015CFS hosted their very own MacMillan Coffee Morning at break time, to raise money for charity. The whole of sixth form got involved by baking and selling (and eating!) cakes and treats. Overall we managed to raise a staggering £513.74! A big thank you to everyone who baked, donated and volunteered their time to the MacMillian Coffee Morning.
Christmas at CFSJoin the Sixth Form students at CFS as we get into the Christmas Spirit by creating our very own version of Wizzard's Christmas Classic 'I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday'.
Im A Teacher Get Me Out Of Here!The annual I'm A Teacher Get Me Out Of Here is coming soon... Keep your finger on the pulse and don't miss your favourite (and least favourite) teachers suffer the gruelling tasks of the Jungle.
Christmas Concert 2015The Christmas concert was a phenomenal evening, which took place at Chingford Foundation School on the 7th of December 2015. Students across all years were welcomed to express their musical talent to a supportive audience of friends and family. With the help of Mr Butters and Mrs Bell (Miss Vines), the evening was a great success thanks to their dedication and determination to deliver an enjoyable and fabulous night.